Reverse Hyper Bent Over Row | Home Gym Hacks - PRx-TK-dev

Reverse Hyper Bent Over Row | Home Gym Hacks

September 26, 2019 1 min read

HGH Title Steps

Step 1: Fold the Profile HD down into the ready position

Step 2: Place your desired weight on each side of the pendulum

Step 3: Attach the Spud Inc. strap to the pendulum on the outside of the weights

Step 4: Get into a bench over row position

Step 5: Pull the Strap to your belly button / abdomen

Step 6: Hold for a 1-second squeeze

Step 7: Release back down to the bottom of the movement with a nice stretch at the bottom.

Equipment Needed:

profile hyper hd

Profile Hyper HD

Recycled Crumb Rubber Bumper Plates

Home Gym Hacks

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